Capmac s.r.l. - News

19.01.2012 - A new version of the CAP 12 due for release in 2012
CAPMAC will be presenting during the first quarter of 2012 a new version of one of it's most widespread riveters, the CAP 12, famous for having been able to combine compactness and ease of use. This new version will have the codename of “2012”. The changes between the old model and the new are substantial. First of all, the new machine will have have a new design that guarantees more solidity. Also, the machine set-up will be even easier than before, facilitating enormously the operator's work. Stay tuned for more updates on this new CAP 12 “2012” in the upcoming weeks.

12.01.2012 - Decorating with Pad-printing: the new CAPMAC machines for cookware
CAPMAC is happy to announce the launch of a new line of pad-printing machines, designed specifically for the cookware sector. The birth of these machines stems from the contribution of highly-specialized technicians that have been working in our company for the last 2 years. Pad-printing is an indirect offset printing process that allows a high-fidelity decoration of any type of logo, drawing orimage, both in one-color and in four-color process. It allows to transfer flat images on curved or irregular surfaces with a definition that is much superior to that of serigraphy, as pad-printing is able to work also “wet on wet”. The quality of printing that can be obtained is thus extremely high, with a range that goes from a monochromatic logo, to a print of photographic quality. These new machines for pad-printing can decorate: head of rivets, handles, and/or the bottom and side of pots and pans. CAPMAC can also provide advice on the choice of inks, pads and clichés best suited for each individual use. These new solutions offered by CAPMAC open a whole new world of possibilities to the producers of cookware items, allowing them to pursue a much more prominent product differentiation.

16.12.2011 - Presenting the CAP 114 BFO4
CAPMAC is happy to present the CAP 114 BFO4, a new hydraulic riveting machine for pre-pierced items, designed to speed up the production process of pressure cookers with oval internal. These pots have a very peculiar feature: the handles are mounted on two brackets that have different interaxis and orientation between each other. This feature complicates the manufacturing process as the riveting should be done on two different machines, greatly extending the production time. The small revolution introduced by the CAP 114 BFO4 is the presence, on the same machine, of 2 workstations, each capable of managing 2 rivets. The first workstation is used for riveting the first bracket, the other for the second. This facilitates and speeds up the positioning between the pot and bracket and allows each bracket to be riveted in a single stroke, making the riveting of these items easier, faster and safer than ever! The CAP 114 BFO4 is also a flexible machine that can also be used for any other type of pot. The CAP 114 BFO4, testifies once more the ability of CAPMAC to act in the heart of the production process and is added to the many technological solutions offered by the company for the riveting of pre-pierced items in the cookware sector.

A new version of the CAP 12 due for release in 2012
CAPMAC will be presenting during the first quarter of 2012 a new version of one of it's most widespread riveters, the CAP 12, famous for having been able to combine compactness and... read more...
Decorating with Pad-printing: the new CAPMAC machines for cookware
CAPMAC is happy to announce the launch of a new line of pad-printing machines, designed specifically for the cookware sector. The birth of these machines stems from the contributio... read more...
Presenting the CAP 114 BFO4
CAPMAC is happy to present the CAP 114 BFO4, a new hydraulic riveting machine for pre-pierced items, designed to speed up the production process of pressure cookers with oval inter... read more...
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Riveting Machines CAPMAC s.r.l.

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